1. Look at your schedule, what do your daily and weekly schedules show to be things you are pressing on to attain? Does this inventory reflect that you are pressing on to know Christ? What’s one thing you could do personally and communally to press on to know Christ?
2. How is your personal and communal bible reading? What do you find to be barriers to the daily discipline of “taking part in the feast” of God Word? How does the truth of the gospel speak to these barriers? Is there something you can do, or others around you can do, to help in this area?
3. Who do you follow or look to in our congregation? What about them do you want to model in your own walk with Christ? If you don’t look to someone in our congregation, what’s a step you could take to make that connection?
4. Is there someone who you see walking according to Paul’s example that you can encourage/recognize? How might you do that?
5. Are you tempted to have gospel and biblical resources available through technology to have a greater influence on your walk than the people in our congregation? What are the benefits and pitfalls of relying more on technology resources vs in person fellowship?
6. How do you react to know that the one you are pressing on to know is also pressing on, with greater energy, to bring you home with Him?
Today, Matt mentioned this free online commentary resource from The Gospel Coalition. https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/commentary/