Advent Week 1 - Isaiah 59: Darkness

  1. What is it about the season of Advent that stands out to you as special or especially enjoyable? What Advent traditions do you enjoy most, or what would you like to try this year?

  2. Read Isaiah 59:9-11. What do the terms ‘light’ and ‘darkness’ represent in the passage? What does it mean to ‘hope for light’? Can you think of a time in your life that relates to this passage?

  3. Read Isaiah 59:1-8. How did the people get themselves into this ‘darkness’ in the first place?

  4. Pick one of the word pictures from Isa 59:1-11 that is most powerful to you. Explain to the group what it means, and why you selected it.

  5. Read Isaiah 59:12-21. What do the people confess in vv12-13? How does God respond in the following verses? Make a list of the things God does for the people who confess and turn from their sins.

  6. Spend some time together in prayer for your own hearts and the people you will spend time with this Christmas season. Thank God for the gift of his light at Christmas time, and ask him to deliver those who still sit in darkness.

Robb EsperatComment