Our Mission:

We are a spiritual family, centered on Jesus our King,

who love God, love others, and make disciples."


Weekly Activities


Youth Sunday School  //  Sundays 9:00 AM — 10:15 AM  

During the first worship service, students meet in the Youth Lounge. They start with some free time to eat and hangout. Then they break into groups to study the morning’s passages. After that, they are mixed into new groups to share what they learned. They conclude by hearing a lesson that brings together everything they’ve learned that morning.

Youth Group  //  Sundays 5:00 PM — 7:30 PM  

Our evening meetings during the school year are on Sundays. Youth Group centers around students’ relationships with each other and with consistent adult leaders. Students are grouped by age and gender (i.e. middle school boys, high school girls, etc.) with adult leaders committed to modeling mutual encouragement and accountability for students and experiencing it with them.

Our structured programming ends at 7 p.m. From 7 to 7:30, we have free time during which we encourage students to hang out and parents to come to talk to each other and jump into the games with students.


Youth Events

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To get our emails through Mailchimp, email Josh: joshuasmith@vbcc.church.

Featured Event: Camp Willow Run (Apr. 4-6)

Every year, our students look forward to going to Camp Willow Run for our combined Middle and High School Spring Retreat. Click on the button below to learn more and to register your student.

Baptism Class (Mar. 23): There will be two separate baptism classes, one for children/youth and one for adults. Those interested in getting baptized should fill out a baptism application and attend the class. You can access that application here: Baptism Application.

Camp Willow Run (Apr. 4-6): This is our annual Spring retreat for middle and high school students. Registration is linked above!

No YG (Apr. 6): We will not have Youth Group this evening to give our students and leaders a break after the Camp Willow Run retreat.

Senior Night (Apr. 9): This event is for all high school seniors. Dinner is provided. Come and go between 5:30 and 8 p.m. Dinner is served at 6 p.m. This event provides seniors with a space for fellowship and mutual encouragement as they process their final year of high school and beyond.

Palm Sunday Family Service - No SS (Apr. 13): We will not have Youth Sunday School due to the Family Service for Palm Sunday.

Easter Egg Hunt & Lunch (Apr. 13): This churchwide lunch on Palm Sunday includes an Easter egg hunt for kids.

Easter - No YG (Apr. 20): We will not have Youth Group this evening due to Easter, but there will be breakfast in the gym for students for the choir in the morning during Sunday School.

Service Day (Apr. 27): Students will engage in an act of service with a ministry partner. Details to be determined.

Fairmont Fundraiser (Apr. 27): We have a fundraiser lunch for the mission trip to Fairmont with EY2S. This lunch will be in the gym right after the second service. Members of the team will help prepare, serve, and clean-up for the lunch, as well as share about previous trips with those in attendance.

Family Field Day (May 4): This is a Children’s and Youth & Family Ministries event, for families to share an afternoon at a local park. Details to be provided.

Senior Night (May 7): This event is for all high school seniors. Dinner is provided. Come and go between 5:30 and 8 p.m. Dinner is served at 6 p.m. This event provides seniors with a space for fellowship and mutual encouragement as they process their final year of high school and beyond.

Mother’s Day - No YG (May 11): We will not have Youth Group this evening. Enjoy Mother’s Day with your family!

Graduation Sunday (May 18): Our students will serve our church body by administering the corporate worship services this morning. This includes students leading musical worship, prayer, and helping with the sermon. This service particularly honors and celebrates our graduates.

Graduation Lunch (May 18): Graduating high school seniors and their families are celebrated and honored at a special lunch.

YG Senior Night (May 18): During this night at Youth Group, all students will celebrate and honor our graduating seniors.

Memorial Day Weekend - No YG (May 25): We will not have Youth Group this evening. Enjoy Memorial Day Weekend with your family!

Service Day - SPLASH (June 1): The youth are hosting SPLASH. SPLASH is a children’s program that occurs during the 10:30 worship service. During Youth Sunday School, we will be preparing for the children to join us. If possible, please plan for your student to remain in the Youth Lounge during both services.

Prayer & Worship Night - No YG (June 1): Families are encouraged to participate in this churchwide worship opportunity. There will be no Youth Group this evening.

Promotion Sunday (June 8): This Sunday marks when students move up from grade to the next. We look forward to greeting our new 6th graders!

Family Night - Summer Kick-Off (June 8): Our students and their families are welcome to participate in our 5-7:30 programming. This night will include a Parent Meeting, some separate activities for children and for youth, and time for worship, food, and fellowship with everyone together. Join us to kick-off the summer!

Click on the calendar above to download the Spring 2025 Calendar.

2025 Weeks & Weekends

Camp Willow Run (4/4-6): Our annual Spring retreat for middle and high school students.

Fairmont Trip w/ EY2S (6/22-28): We will serve with Empowering Youth 2 Serve in Fairmont, NC.

Vacation Bible School (7/21-25): Youth serve as an integral part of our church to facilitate VBS, showing hospitality to our community and teaching children about Jesus.

HS Retreat (11/7-9): Our annual Fall retreat to the Williamsburg Christian Retreat Center for our high schoolers.

Medical Release Form

Please fill out the linked form for your student. This form must be filled out every calendar year and is required for retreats and mission trips. Medical Release Form

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Become an Intern

The internship program for the Youth & Family Ministry of VBCC is primarily for high schoolers but is also available to adults. Applications can be submitted year round, but interns are usually accepted at the start of a semester (Spring, Summer, Fall). The internship consists of about 10 hours per week. The internship program is a learning opportunity for the intern, for the church staff, and for the Youth & Family Ministry. It involves consistent participation in weekly youth programming, working with a Staff Mentor, serving others, and completing a Special Project. Learn more and apply using the link below! If you have questions, email Josh, the Youth and Family Minister.

If you have any questions or comments, you can reach Josh at (757)428-1881 or by email at joshuasmith@vbcc.church.