We, The Chapel Creatives, are pleased to open an offering to the Lord— expanded and accessible spaces for the worship arts—a visual arts gallery and a virtual stage for singer songwriters. We hope these new spaces will inspire more authentic worship and creative energy for the glory of Christ. Our prayer for the future is that art will be displayed in calendared shows and concerts sometimes highlighting the vision of artists in and around our faith community, sometimes complementing a sermon series and sometimes focusing on a challenge or blessing in our current experiences. We’ll be learning along the way and welcome feedback. If you’d like to learn more about why we were inspired to start this project, click here.

May the creative God we serve lead us in our arts as worship and our worship as an art.

“The Holy Lands”

Locations and Lessons, Verses and Visuals

A Solo Photo Exhibit by Dana Bradshaw

March 2-April 6

Did you ever want to travel to the Holy Land, Israel and Palestine? Or did it always seem either too expensive or risky?

For much of my life, I put off travel to Israel and the West Bank. The descendants of the sons of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael, seemed always in conflict. Prior to that time I safely voyaged to dozens of countries internationally without mishap. However, it never seemed safe to go to Israel. Nor was I afforded the opportunity. That changed for me and my wife in 2011.

I had retired from the military three years earlier. This coincided with a relative lull in the Mideast. When my sister and brother-in-law said their church was planning a trip, with room for us, we felt “now is the time”!

We were fortunate to have an outstanding guide, of course by the name of Abraham. Though an Orthodox Jew, he wove both Old and New Testament scripture throughout his narratives. To my chagrin, he seemed able to quote more bible verses than many professing Christians I knew!

Ever since that trip, I have treasured the visual memories of the places we were able to visit and their contextual role in the Bible. I recall them each time I read the Word or hear these locations in a study.

A Lebanese Christian at our church in Northern Virginia periodically taught a Bible class using his personal photos from the Holy Land. I greatly enjoyed that vicarious experience. Given the October 7, 2024 attacks in Israel, it seems once again too risky for others to go. This exposition is offered to those who may not be able to do so now to enhance your understanding of the “promised land”, and to glorify God as his plan of salvation has been revealed.

Note: If you have questions about this exhibit or wish to talk to Dana about commissions and/or purchases, please contact him by email: rdbradshaw76@cox.net


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