Matthew 5:10-12 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

  1. Think of a time you experienced pressure, hostility, or exclusion because of Christ. How did you respond?

  2. Read Matthew 5:10-12. What examples or types of persecution are mentioned here? Which of those have you experienced or personally seen happen? What other forms of persecution have you seen or heard about?

  3. How does Jesus expect his disciples to react under persecution? What are other potential responses? How might you personally be tempted to respond to persecution?

  4. Read Matthew 10:16-18. In the sermon today, we were encouraged to underline the words “sending you out” (v16), “for my sake” (v18) and “bear witness” (v18). What do these key phrases tell us about the role of persecution in the church and in the world?

  5. What rewards does Jesus promise to those who experience persecution on account of him (for help, see Matt 5:10, 12; 10:22, 28-33)? What promise is most precious to you personally? Spend time worshipping Jesus together as a group, and praying for those who are experiencing persecution right now.

Robb EsperatComment