John 8:12 - I Am the Light of the World

  1. Do you love or hate hanging lights at Christmastime? Why?

  2. Read John 1:1-14. As you read, mark words that have a close association with the imagery of light in the passage. (For instance, in v4 the word ‘life’ is closely associated with ‘light’.) What words did you mark? Based on these associations, what would you say is the meaning of ‘light’ in this passage?

  3. Read John 8:12. How would you describe “Light of the World” to a 5 year old?

  4. Jesus’ statement in John 8:12 occurred during the Feast of Tabernacles, a commemoration of the Exodus from Egypt and 40 years in the wilderness. During the feast, great lights commemorated the Presence, Revelation, and Salvation of God in Exodus. Review the verses below and place each reference under the heading of Presence, Revelation, or Salvation.

    • Exodus 3:2

    • Exodus 13:21

    • Exodus 14:19-20

    • Exodus 24:17-18

    • Exodus 34:29-35

    • Exodus 40:34, 38

  5. What do you think it means to ‘walk in darkness’? To ‘have the light of life’?

  6. Why is following Jesus (“whoever follows me”) critical to the process of transitioning from darkness to light? What role does Jesus play?

  7. Spend time praying for those who may be walking in darkness this Advent season. Ask God to break into that darkness and bring light.

Robb EsperatComment