Meet the Team


Pastoral Staff

Click each photo to learn more about our Pastoral Staff.

Support Staff


David Bunn - Youth Ministry

Samantha Scott - Youth Ministry

Interested in interning with VBCC?


VBCC is committed to a biblical model of shared leadership among spiritually gifted believers.  Deacons serve as ministers of mercy and oversee VBCC’s supportive  ministries.  Elders provide pastoral care and oversight to the Chapel family. Their responsibilities include prayer and ministry of the Word, guarding doctrine, church discipline, ministry vision and church direction.  VBCC’s Elder and Deacon Leadership Teams work together as a united team (Official Board) and practice shared decision-making.


Robb Esperat

Rich Hardison (on sabbatical)

Doug Jester

Don Lee

Keith McCune

Johnnie Pearson

Jarrod Puffenbarger

Mike Scharfe

Bruce Scott

David Timms


Kathy Adkins - Widows

Stephen Ames - Military

Dana Bradshaw - Secretary

Kevin Kattwinkel - Visitation

Kirk Luker - CARE Team

James Montgomery // Chair

Caleb Orcutt - Ushers & Greeters

Ron Parker - New Members

John Picklesimer - Treasurer

Ken Poe - Building

Ginni Scharfe - Missions

Skip Webb - Security

Chad Williamson - Helping Hand