Daniel 4 - The True Drama

  1. Read Daniel 4:1-3. Who is the speaker? Who is the intended audience? How does this introduction set the stage for the chapter? In what ways do these verses correlate with Hab 2:14?

  2. Review Daniel 4:4-27. What are the main elements of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, and what do they mean? How long will Nebuchadnezzar be humbled (v. 25)? What would it mean for Nebuchadnezzar to be humble? What would be the telltale signs (see v. 27)?

  3. Read Daniel 4:28-33. Verse 29 tells us that a whole 12 months separated the initial warning Nebuchadnezzar received and the judgment against him to bring about his humbling. What does this imply about God’s ways with us?

  4. In his sermon, Robb said, “Politics matter to God.” How do you see this illustrated in Daniel 4? In what ways do kings and kingdoms matter to God?

  5. Faith, Boldness & Meekness are our heritage as God’s people in exile. How does Daniel display these Christ-like characteristics in Dan 4? What present day scenarios challenge you to display these characteristics in your own life?

Read Ralph Winter’s essay, The Kingdom Strikes Back, here: http://www.foundationscourse.org/uploads/documents/reader/1_kingdom_strikes_back.pdf

Some questions adapted from Todd Wilson’s Daniel (Knowing the Bible) Crossway.

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