Daniel 5 - Every Kingdom Falls

  1. Read Dan 5:1-6. How do Belshazzar’s actions serve to mock God and his glory? What are some other ways we implicitly mock God’s glory?

  2. Why do you think we are prone to view ourselves as indestructible or untouchable? How can you see this tendency in your own life? How and why does sin make us foolish?

  3. Read Dan 5:17-23 How does God finally get Belshazzar’s attention? What kinds of things does God use to wake us up to the foolishness of our sin? How does it feel when he does this?

  4. Read Dan 5:24-28. How does Daniel interpret the writing on the wall? What application can be made for our lives today from this prophetic word?

  5. We don’t often like to talk about the judgment of God. Why is it important to wrestle deeply with this doctrine? In what ways might we consider God to be gracious for revealing himself as a righteous judge?

Some questions adapted from Exalting Jesus in Daniel (Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary) by Dr Daniel L. Akin, B&H Publishing Group.

Robb EsperatComment