Daniel 2 - Hope in Exile

  1. Read Dan 2:1-13. What even sparks the crisis that eventually finds its way to Daniel in v13? Why do you think this event is so troublesome to the king? To the Chaldean magicians?

  2. Read Dan 2:14-24. In his sermon, Robb said, “Hope shapes our response to storms.” How do the king, the magicians, and the Hebrews respond differently to the crisis? How do the responses reveal the hopes of the characters involved? Which hopes are ‘good anchors’?

  3. Read Dan 2:25-45. In what ways does Daniel ensure that God alone gets the credit for being the revealer of mysteries?

  4. In verses 36–43 Daniel describes the content of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The parts of the statue represent four kingdoms, beginning with the “head of gold” (v. 38), which is Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian empire. Daniel then sees that a stone strikes the image, destroying it (vv. 34–35). In light of verses 44–45, what is this stone? How does this relate to what Jesus says about his own life and ministry (see Matt 21:44)?

  5. Read Dan 2:46-49. Nebuchadnezzar is amazed at what Daniel was able to reveal to him. He falls down prostrate and pays homage. But to whom? How would you qualify the king’s understanding of Daniel and his God?

  6. How do your own habits reveal the false hopes in which you are tempted to trust? What action must you take in the future to refuse the false hope and trust in Christ instead? Share honestly with each other and spend time worshiping together and praying for one another.

    Some questions adapted from Daniel (Knowing the Bible). by Todd Wilson, Crossway.

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