Daniel 6 - Lions

  1. Review the story of Daniel 6. If you have time, read the whole chapter aloud as a group. Why do you think this story connects so much with the hearts and imaginations of those who hear or read it? Why do you think it is so hard for some to believe?

  2. Read Dan 6:1-5. Why is Daniel opposed by his contemporaries? Why should Christians who are serving God faithfully expect opposition? How does Daniel handle this opposition?

  3. Daniel’s faithfulness to God led him to disobey the earthly king. In what kinds of issues should we be prepared to serve God rather than man?

  4. God’s power is put on display in this passage. Who and what are shown ultimately to be under the authority of Daniel’s God? In what sense is this a missionary text? How does it point us to the nations?

  5. Take time to pray for the persecuted church. Consider downloading the Open Doors Prayer App

Some questions adapted from Exalting Jesus in Daniel (Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary) by Dr Daniel L. Akin, B&H Publishing Group.

Robb EsperatComment