"Bringing the Light to Every Nation"

JAN 19-FEB 23

What a privilege it is for the Chapel Creatives to partner with the Missions Leadership Team to highlight the beautiful task of Bible Translation. As we meditated on how to do this, Psalm 119:105 came to mind. Popularized by the song written by Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith in 1984, this verse presents simple yet stirring truth— the Bible is like light. It is “a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.” It illuminates the way forward as it explains the great and beautiful heart of God to bring the Gospel to peoples who are in spiritual darkness. So, it is natural that Bible translation has got decades been at the forefront of the Chapel’s mission vision. We are thrilled when a people group translation is completed, and we hear those folks proclaiming— “God speaks our language!” And then… there is light; they see clearly Jesus’s beauty and how to put their trust in His work on their behalf. They are transformed and brought into relationship with the Maker who lights up their path.

This exhibit contains photos of real Bible translators working and celebrating, decorated lanterns that harken back to Psalm 119’s “lamp”, and paintings that celebrate the connection between the metaphor of “light” and the truth of the Gospel of Jesus.

If you would like to communicate with one of our artists about particular works of art, purchases, or commissions, please contact the curator, Mike Lane (haoyisi2@gmail.com) for contact information.

“No Longer Dark and Empty” and “The Glory of God”

Poetry by Dennis Borgerding

Graphics by Kenneth Borgerding

“Your Word is a Lamp”

Corrie Enfield

“Revelation 21:22-23”

Claudia Finn

And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof…

“Your word is A Lamp”

Hannah and Val Southerland

“Your Word is A Lamp”

Abby Worthley

“Light in Dark Places”

Susan Hall

Last fall, Buddy and I treated each other to a long weekend at Wintergreen Resort, to get away from the beach crowds and enjoy the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains. One evening, we decided to drive up on the Parkway to watch the sunset over the valley. We found a perfect location, enjoyed God’s artistry, and stayed until the sun was almost completely gone. We got back in the car to drive back to the resort. Pressed the ignition button— nothing. And— no jumper cables. “No problem,” we reasoned. “We’ll just call AAA.” But— in that remote area, we found that we had no cell signal. We were stuck in the middle of nowhere in the quickly falling darkness, with no other option but to leave the car and hike several miles down the mountain in the dark and cold.

Just at that moment, a car swung into the pullout. The couple inside quickly understood our predicament and were able to produce the two things we needed most— light and power. He jumped our car’s battery, shrugged off our thanks, and with a cheerful wave, headed off down the Parkway. Our hero!

I have thanked God for that dear man many times since that event. We never got his name, never knew anything about him other than that he had a kind heart and the willingness to help a couple of strangers in desperate need. An angel unaware? We’ll never know.

But it was such a reminder that the ‘light’ I have received is not just intended to bless me, but is given to me to light the way for others. In God’s economy, my own dim light can become a roaring blaze when shared with another, who in turn shares with another, and so on. “For you were once darkness, but you are now light in the Lord. Live as children of light.” Ephesians 5:8

“Your love Reaches to the Darkest Places”

Maren and Ali Scott

“Your Word is a Lamp”

John Picklesimer

“Until the Day Dawns”

Mike Lane

The promises of the Bible give me hope in my waiting for that day when the day dawns and the morning star, Jesus, arrives. I felt inspired by the connection this verse makes between the Bible and Jesus, the light of the world.

2 Peter 1:19

And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts…

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