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Matthew 18:1-9 - A Humble Kingdom Receives

  • Can you described a time in your life when you have been in the boat with the disciples, looking for status?

  • Is it easy for you to see your own sin and the beauty of Jesus humbling himself to save you, or is that a struggle?

  • Today. where do you find yourself most tempted to seek your own status?

  • When have you experienced the cost of humbling yourself in order to follow Jesus?

  • What would it look like for you to make progress in being quick to receive other followers of Jesus? How does that relate to the question of status-seeking, in other words, in what ways would you need to stop status-seeking in order to receive others?

  • Is it easy or hard for you to hear Jesus’ hard words in verses 6-9? Is this a way you typically experience him? Does it seem like he’s being unfair or can you hear the tender heart of a loving Savior behind the words of woe to those who would shut people out of the kingdom of heaven?

  • Who is one person this week that you work to receive into your home, life, or family?