Matthew 18:10-20 - A Humble Kingdom Restores

  • In the parable of the lost sheep, we see that God’s heart is toward the member of his family that wanders away. When you find yourself stuck in sin, is this what you normally believe about God, or do you see him as standoffish, angry at your sin?

  • How do you handle interpersonal conflict? Do you tend to bottle it up, or blast it out? How is the process of restoration we see in these verses a correction to those two faulty ways of dealing with conflict?

  • Have you ever had someone confront you about sin that you’ve committed? How did it feel? How did they approach you? What did that do for your relationship? If it didn’t go well, what could have gone better?

  • As you think about the story of David Sharp, who, although he socialized with other mountaineers, was ultimately on his expedition alone, how can you ensure that you are not on this Christian expedition alone? What’s one thing you can do today that would help grow a vulnerable relationship in your life?

  • As we think about the unique presence of God with those who go about the work of restoration, what ways do you need to know that God is present so that your will step out in faith to restore others to his family?

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