Psalm 150 - Praise the LORD!

Read Psalm 150.

  1. This morning, we learned that the opening line of “Praise the LORD” is really just one word - Hallelujah. Halal means to praise or glorify and YHWH was the sacred name of God for the Israelites. Listen to the Psalm in Hebrew:

  2. The fact that the Psalm opens and closes with this declaration of praise toward Yahweh is a good reminder for us. How can we be more mindful to open and close our days with praise?

  3. The Psalmist has certain deeds of God in mind here. What are some mighty deeds for which you can give God glory?

  4. Psalm 150 encourages us to bring all of our instruments and even to dance. Do you struggle to outwardly demonstrate the praise God deserves? Discuss.

  5. Zach used the image of a glass with water splashing out. When you are bumped, what kind of water splashes out? Is it bitter or sweet? (John 7:37-38) How can we increasingly become praisin’ people?

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