Matthew 7:15 | Beware of false prophets.

  1. Who is the quintessential “wolf in sheep’s clothing”? Name a character from fiction or history who embodies this saying to you. What specifically made you think of that person?

  2. Read Matthew 7:13-15. What commands does Jesus issue in these verses? How are the commands related to one another?

  3. What does it mean to ‘beware’? The imagery of “sheep’s clothing” means the person identifies as part of the faith community. How do you imagine such a person would look, act, and talk? The imagery of ‘ravenous wolves’ points to the life-threatening danger of false prophets. Why does Jesus consider them so dangerous?

  4. “Pseudo-prophets always advance a pseudo-gospel.” In the sermon, Robb identified two categories of pseudo-gospel: Jesus-Light and Jesus-Plus. What does each of these terms mean, and what would such a pseudo-gospel look like in our context?

  5. In the sermon today, Robb offered four practical applications to this verse. Which stands out to you in this season of your own life? Spend time praying for one another and our church family.

    1. Beware your own itching ears (Jeremiah 5:30)

    2. Beware the witch-hunters (Matthew 7:1-5)

    3. Lean on the elders (Hebrews 13:17)

    4. Fill your vision with the glory of Jesus as BOTH Lord and Savior (2 Pet 3:18)

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