Missions Video Discussion

This resource was used on Feb 12th at Missions Night. Links to each video clip are below.

History of Bible Translation


1. What stands out to you from this video? 

2. Explain the significance for you to have the Scriptures in English.

3. What strategy did William Carey use to help with his mission?

4. How long was/is a single translation project?

Who Could You Be in the Next Story


1. VBCC committed to the Isnag Bible translation project for decades. Explain the significance for a church to partner to help reach a specific people group with the gospel?

2. The video mentions several different roles that contribute to reaching a people group with the gospel. List those here:

3. Discuss any experiences you’ve had in filling one of these roles.

Why Millions Are Still Unreached by the Gospel


1. What is the difference between an ‘Unreached People Group’ (UPG) and ‘lost people’?

2. List some challenges that make reaching the unreached difficult.

3. What does the video mean by ‘Cultural Christianity is easy’?

4. The video talked about ‘return on investment’ being easier to see in reached places. What does success mean in missions?

Jarrod PuffenbargerComment