Specks & Logs, Pigs & Dogs - Matthew 7:3-6

  • Split into groups of 2-3 people. What highlights did you have from the sermon? What questions did you have? Did you have any takeaways? After a few minutes, come back together and share with the whole group.

  • Read Matthew 7:3-6. What does Jesus say about our relationships in this passage? What kind of people is he talking to/about?

  • What is the significance of the word “hypocrite” that Jesus used (cf, Mt 6:2, 5, 16)? What do you think is the “log” that we must take out of our eye?

  • Matthew 7:6 is a difficult verse that misunderstood can undo the entirety of Jesus’ argument in this passage. Practically speaking, what is Jesus inviting us to do? How do we know whether or not to try to speak truth into somebody’s life?

  • Read Matthew 27:39-44. What is Jesus’ attitude towards those who reject him?

  • What is one practical step you can take this week in response to our passage?

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