Genesis 12:10-13:18 - Faith Refined
Have you ever come to the end of your rope, realizing you are just plain unable to do what you are supposed to be doing? Describe the scene. How did it feel? How did others respond?
Read Genesis 12:10-20. What words would you use to describe Abram’s character based on this story? What external realities influenced his actions? What internal realities (ie, heart issues) do you see at play?
Read Genesis 13:1-4. In the sermon today, Robb said, “these verses detail not only Abram’s geographical journey, but his spiritual journey.” What is the spiritual significance of Abram’s return to Canaan, and to the altar in particular? What role does faith play in repentance?
Read Genesis 13:5-7. How do the riches given by Pharaoh become a crisis in Canaan?
Read Genesis 13:8-13. How does Abram’s character and conduct change from chapter 12 to chapter 13? What role do the crises of those chapters play in this change?
Read Genesis 13:14-18. Why is it significant that the LORD speaks to Abram after Lot’s departure? What does it tell us about the heart and character of God? How does Abram’s experience of God encourage us as we face crises of our won?