How have you experienced mercy-shaped community in your own life? Share an example of how your community has been shaped by God’s mercy.
Read Jonah 3:6-10. Rehearse the 3 marks of mercy-shaped community we discussed in the sermon:
The Word moves in power.
Corporate confession & repentance.
Mercy-shaped people (individuals).
Explain how each of these marks is represented in the text. What other marks of mercy, if any, ought we to expect to see in a healthy Christian community?
What happened when Jonah spoke the Word to Nineveh (Jonah 3:4-5)? Why is it so important to speak God’s word to one another? What hinders us from speaking God’s word? How can we help one another overcome those hinderances?
What did corporate confession and repentance look like for the Ninevites? How do you think it ought to look for us? What keeps Christians from this life-giving practice in our context?
In the sermon this morning, Robb noted that the work of God in Nineveh (chpt 3) began with a work of God in Jonah (chpt 2). How can we as individual Christians prepare our own hearts for the movement of God in our community?