Matthew 6:25-34 - Anxiety Opportunity
What is your earliest memory of feeling anxious? Does the memory relate at all to the things that make you feel anxious in your life now? In what way[s]?
Read Matthew 6:25, 31, & 34. These three verses mark the beginnings of three sections of instruction about anxiety. Summarize each section’s content. What reasons does Jesus give to lay aside worry?
In v25, Jesus repeats three times ‘what you will’. These words represent good things taken to a bad future via anxiety. Do you have a ‘what you will’ issue in your life? What is it?
In the sermon this morning, Robb said, “Jesus replaces the WHAT with a WHO.” Who does Jesus offer to meet us in our anxiety (v26, 30, 32)? What do we learn about this person from verses in Matt 6?
Review the Worship/Worry Seesaw below. Have you found this principle to be true in your own life? How can we use this simple tool to help us when we face anxiety on a day-to-day basis?
Dr Burchett says, “As worship goes up, worry goes down. Worry tends to dethrone God and elevate problems. Worship magnifies God and refuses to allow molehills to become mountains.”