Hebrews 13 - Shepherds & Flock - Partners in Joy

  1. Read Hebrews 13:7. What does this verse tell us about the role of leaders in the church? Based on this verse, what might be the most important qualification(s) for leadership in the church? How does this compare with leadership qualifications in other areas of life and work?

  2. Recall a time you were deeply impacted by a leader in the church, either positively or negatively. What made the impact? Have you ever spoken with that leader about it?

  3. Read Hebrews 13:17. This verse ‘bookends’ the passage that starts at v7 with another set of commands about leaders. How do verses 7 and 17 compliment one another? Can you remember a time when following a Christian leader was difficult? What made it so?

  4. This morning Robb said that the flock should aim for the joy of their leaders, and the leaders should aim for the joy of their flock. Do you agree or disagree? How do you see this idea reflected in these verses?

  5. Read Hebrews 13:8-9. Why does it matter that Jesus is the same? What kinds of “strange and diverse teachings” are Christians encountering in our current context? (hint: they may not be explicitly doctrinal in nature. Remember the iphone illustration.)

  6. Take some time to speak words of affirmation to the leaders in your group right now. Pray for them together as a group, and also pray for our new pastoral staff team members, Jarrod, Houston, and Joshua.

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