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Philippians 4:10-23 - I can do all things through Christ???

  1. When have you struggled with contentment in your life? Alternately, when have you sensed an overwhelming sense of contentment and joy? Either way, what factors do you think led to your experience?

  2. Read Philippians 4:10-23. In this passage, Paul offers a three-fold thanksgiving for the Philippian gift sent by Epaphroditus. What specifically does he acknowledge in verses 10, 14 and 18?How do the verses that follow each acknowledgement serve to elaborate or offer caveats?

  3. Read Philippians 4:13. In the sermon this morning, Robb ‘retranslated’ this verse so that it read, “I can be content in all circumstances in him who strengthens me.” How does this rendering differ with the translation in your Bible? How do you respond to this ‘translation’ personally?

  4. What does it mean to be “In Christ”? How does our union with Christ affect our capacity for contentment?

  5. In v12, Paul says he has ‘learned the secret’ of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. The term he uses means ‘to undergo initiation.’ In what way was Paul initiated into a life of contentment? In what ways are you currently experiencing the Lord’s initiation? How does it change the experience to know that his purpose for you is fullness of joy?

  6. Read again Philippians 4:14-18. The Philippian church went out of their way to love Paul well as an extension of their own family. Is there a missional partner that your group can bless with a point of contact and support? Consider sending a group selfie video, a care package, or a financial gift to one of our VBCC mission partners. They will ‘rejoice greatly in the Lord!’