Matthew 5:17-25

  1. Today’s Core Value is “Teaching God’s Word.” How have you personally witnessed this value fleshed out in the life of our community at VBCC? Why is it important?

  2. Read Matthew 5:17-20. Why might Jesus have to explain his position on the Law and the prophets? How does he ‘fulfill’ them?

  3. How does the righteousness of the Pharisees contrast with that described in verses 3-11? How do we obtain this ‘surpassing righteousness’?

  4. This morning, Robb spoke about the “Ladder Loophole” (legalism) and the “Salad Bar Loophole” (licentiousness). How do these approaches to the Law work? Which loophole are you more inclined toward (or maybe there is some other option not mentioned in the sermon)? What does Jesus have to say about these loopholes (vv19-20)?

  5. Read Matthew 5:21-26. How does Jesus’ teaching in vv17-20 get applied in these verses? How can we adopt Jesus’ posture toward the Law in our own lives so that we can be “do them and teach them”?

  6. This Mothers’ Day, take some time to hear from each woman in your group about the significance of the day to her. Spend time in prayer for one another and thanksgiving to God for the gift of motherhood.

*Some questions adapted from Serendipity Bible for Study Groups.

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