Genesis 3 - FALL

  1. How do you fight discouragement in your spiritual life? Are there particular scriptures, practices, or people that have helped you in the past? Share with the group.

  2. Read Genesis 3:1-6. What do we learn about the serpent in these verses? How does the information given in Revelation 12:7-9 reinforce the character of the serpent in Genesis 3?

  3. What does the presence of the serpent in Gen 3 tell us about the nature of our human struggle? (See John 10:10 and Ephesians 6:12 for help)

  4. Read Genesis 3:7-19. How is the fallout of sin depicted in the story? See if you can identify where breakdowns occur:

    1. Between God and humanity

    2. Between Husband and Wife

    3. Between humanity and the rest of creation

  5. Why is it important that we understand sin to be the primary agent of destruction in the world? What might be the alternatives in other worldviews?

  6. Read Genesis 3:15 & Ephesians 1:3-6. How does God take the initiative to provide a solution to the problem of sin? How does God’s initiative affect our sense of hope in the here and now (Romans 8:22-25)?

  7. Does it really matter that our struggle is eternal? Name one way in which this ‘cosmic context’ for the human struggle informs your own life where you live day to day. Spend some time praying for one another.

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