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Matthew 5:14-16 - Light of the World

1. Read Matthew 5:1-16. How does this passage explain the nature of the kingdom? How are the Beatitudes related to being a city and a lamp (vv. 14-16)? How are Christians to interact with the world?

2. Why do good works glorify God the Father? Where do good works come from?

3. Who do you know (in real life, not online) whose life clearly shows the character of Jesus in the beatitudes? What about their life stands out to you?

4. Jesus says to his disciples, "By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another" (Jn 13:35). What do your relationships with other Christians communicate to non-Christians in your life? Is there anywhere you need to change?

5. Can you think of an example where a Christian community did not show the light of Christ? How did it affect their work and witness?

6. Consider your witness in different parts of society: Family, Economics (ie, science, technology, business), Government, Religion, Education, Media, and Celebration (ie, art, entertainment, sports). How might the beatitudes reshape your relationships in these spheres?