1 Corinthians 15:3-11 Resurrection Proof

  1. Take some time to recount your own journey of faith. What did you experience as barriers to faith in Jesus? How were those barriers overcome? What doctrinal issues are still matters of difficulty for you today?

  2. Read 1 Cor 15:3-5. These verses are known as the Corinthian Creed. What is the importance of the repeated phrase, “in accordance with the scriptures”? How are we to understand Jesus’ relationship to the Old Testament, and what bearing does it have on the claims of the gospel?

  3. Read 1 Cor 15:5-8. What groups and people are listed here as eye witnesses to the resurrection? Why does the early date of the creed matter in discussions concerning eye witness accounts and the historicity of the resurrection?

  4. Robb referred to the three people named in 1 Cor 15:5-8 as, “Peter the defector, James the life-long skeptic, and Paul the opposition leader.” Do you relate more with one of these three? If so, why? How do the experiences of these three men affect our faith today?

  5. Read 1 Cor 15:9-11. What story does Paul tell about himself (vv9-10) and about the church (v11)? How do these stories translate to a confirmation of the Gospel?


    For more on the historicity of the resurrection and its implications, watch these lectures by Gary Habermas and N T Wright

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