1 Corinthians Introduction - CRUCIFORM

  1. Take a moment to do a short survey of cultural patterns together as a group. What patterns are well-established in our culture? Which patterns are changing or challenged? Which cultural patterns do you think are healthy, and why?

  2. Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-11. Based on these verses, what is the gospel? How would you tell the story of the past, present, and future work of the gospel in the life of the believer? In other words, what is the significance of referring to the gospel as that “which you received, in which you stand, by which you are being saved”?

  3. Robb spoke this morning about the cruciform life, or a life conformed to the pattern of the cross. What would you say are the main characteristics of a cross-shaped life? Of a cross-shaped community?

  4. Review the 4 elements of the Fall Focus. Which one[s] will be easy for you? Which one[s] will be hard? Commit together to these 4 elements now through November:

    1. Sunday mornings: Commit to regular attendance, and bring a friend who isn’t connected to a local church.

    2. Daily Word & Prayer: Use the Scripture Journal to read & journal through one page of scripture per day. Or create your own rhythm to daily meet with the Lord.

    3. Community: Take Initiative to connect with a community group, women’s bible study, or men’s growth group.

    4. Fast & Pray: Starting Sept 24, devote yourself to prayer & fasting for 40 days till election day. Follow along with Jack Countryman’s If My People 40 Day Prayer Guide for Our Nation. Hard copies will be in the office soon!

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