Exodus 11 - Purpose of the Plagues: The Heart of Worship
Split into 4 groups. Each group examine one of the 4 passages below. If you don’t have enough people for 4 teams, you can cover fewer passages or have each group cover multiple passages.
For each passage, locate the following, then come back together and share with one another:
Purpose statements (“So that”, “in order that”, etc)
Judgements (plagues)
Examples of mercy in the midst of judgement
Evidence of Pharaoh’s heart condition
Most people think of Jesus as focusing on the heart in a revolutionary way, vs the OT pattern of rules and regulations. What do we make of this constant narrative about the heart, before the law is given?
A hardened heart is one that does not listen, and does not let go. When do you think it is hardest for you to listen or let go? If you have a family member present, ask them to check your answer!
How is God portrayed as supremely sovereign in Exodus 11:1–3? What does he control? How does this inform our understanding of our own salvation?
Hebrews 3 is a chapter encouraging Christians to be soft-hearted. What truths and commands does the author of Hebrews give to help us fight against hardened-heart-syndrome?