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Philippians 2:12-18 - Kingdom Citizenship is a Team Sport

  1. Nearly 30 million Americans say they have faith in God, but are ‘done with church.’ What do you think leads some people to conclude that church is not for them? Have you ever wondered that for yourself? Why or why not?

  2. Read Philippians 2:12-13. In these verses, the instruction is plural: “Y’all work out y’all’s salvation.” What does it mean to work out our salvation? What difference does it make if you think about it as a corporate rather than individual activity?

  3. What is the relationship between God’s work (v13) and our work (v12) in the church? How have you seen this dynamic play out in your own spiritual community?

  4. Read Philippians 2:14-16. What is the relationship between our communal life (vv12-14) and the church’s Gospel Witness? How does grumbling and disputing disrupt the work God is doing in us? In whose eyes will we appear ‘blameless and innocent’ if we abstain from complaint?

  5. If you have artistic people in your group (kids or adults), ask them to sketch one of the images from these verses: innocent children in the midst of a crooked and twisted crowd, or lights shining in the (dark) world. What do these images conjure in your mind? How do they make you feel about your identity as part of the church?

  6. Read Philippians 2:17-18. Where else in this chapter does Paul speak about joy? What is the impetus for joy in each of the verses you find? Take some time to pray for one another to have joy in the specific circumstances you find yourselves in.