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Matthew 5:7 Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

  1. Who has been an instrument of mercy in your life? What have been the effects of mercy in your experience?

  2. Read Matthew 5:7, 6:9-15, and 7:1-2. Summarize Jesus’ teaching on mercy and forgiveness together as a group.

  3. In his sermon, Robb mentioned two common ways of dealing with problematic people: Retreat (avoidance or capitulation) and Retaliation (combative confrontation, enmity). Where do you see these strategies playing out in society, or in your personal sphere of relationships? What alternative does Jesus offer us?

  4. Read Matthew 18:21-35. What was Peter apparently looking for when he asked his question (v21)? What effect would Jesus’ answer have had on Peter?

  5. What is difficult for you concerning Jesus’ teaching on mercy and forgiveness? What can your group be praying for you regarding the practice of mercy and forgiveness in your own life?

Click here to hear the song Thy Mercy My God

*Some questions taken & altered from John Stott’s The Beatitudes: Developing Spiritual Character