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Acts 2 - God Is On the Move

Today Ronnie “Mack” McAdoo spoke at VBCC from Acts 2 to kick off Missions Month. The theme is One the Move

  1. Mack said, “Even when we can't see him, he's moving.” Why do you think God chooses to move in ways that are hard for us to see until after the fact?

  2. Read Acts 2:36. In this verse, what two titles does Peter assign to Jesus?

  3. Lord means that Jesus has all authority and power over creation and humanity. Christ is a title referring to God's chosen one who would come to save his people. Why are both of these titles important? What would it mean if Jesus were one without the other?

  4. Mack said, "If you believe the message today, God is calling on you to deliver that message." Discuss with your group: What obstacles keep believers from sharing the gospel with others? Which of the obstacles discussed in your group is the most difficult for you to overcome personally?

  5. Read Acts 1:8, and 2:33, 38. What is the role of the Spirit in gospel movement? How have you witnessed the spirit's work in your own life and ministry? What did Mack mean when he said, “Freedom is not independence but dependence."

  6. "God has placed you where you are for such a time is this." Mack started his ministry in his backyard because inner city kids in Norfolk you need to hear the gospel. He knew basketball, so that's what he used to reach them. Today, his ministry is global and hundreds of kids have found life in Christ. Answer these questions with your group: Where has God placed me? What gifts, talents, and resources has he giving me to use for his glory? Pray for one another to experience God’s empowering and movement!

Learn more about 1Died4All and the McAcoos by watching the video below, or visit https://www.trinitychurchvb.com/1died4all