1. |
I feel closest to God when I'm surrounded by what he has made
- the mountains, the forests, or the sea. |
2. |
I enjoy attending a "high church" service with incense and formal
Communion or Eucharist. |
3. |
The words tradition and history are very appealing to me. |
4. |
Taking an overnight retreat by myself at a monastery where I could spend large amounts of time alone in a small room, or praying to God and studying his Word, are activities I would enjoy. |
5. |
I would like to awaken the church from its apathy. |
6. |
I feel closest to God when I see him in the needy, the poor,
the sick, and the imprisoned. I feel God's presence most strongly when I am
sitting quietly beside the bed of someone who is lonely or ill or taking a meal
to someone in need. You can count on me to offer a ride or volunteer for helping
activities. |
7. |
God is an exciting God, and we should be excited about worshiping
him. I don't understand how some Christians can say they love God, and then
act like they're going to a funeral whenever they walk into church.
The words lover, intimacy, and heart are very appealing to
me. |
I feel close to God when I participate in several hours of
uninterrupted study time - reading God's Word or good Christian books and
then perhaps having an opportunity to teach (or participate in a discussion
with) a small group. |
I feel cut off if I have to spend too much time indoors just
listening to speakers or singing songs. Nothing helps me connect with God
better than being outside.
I'd have a difficult time worshiping in a church building
that is plain and lacks a sense of awe or majesty. I have a difficult time
worshiping through second-rate Christian art or music. |
Participating in a formal liturgy or prayer-book service,
developing symbols that I could place in my car, home, or office, and developing
a Christian calendar for our family to follow are activities that I would
enjoy. |
I would really enjoy spending time on a night watch, taking
a short vow of silence, simplifying my life. |
I connect with God best when I'm cooperating with him in
standing up for his justice: writing letters to government officials and
newspaper editors, picketing at an abortion clinic, urging people to vote,
or becoming familiar with current issues. |
I grow weary of Christians who spend their time singing
songs while a sick neighbor goes without a hot meal or a family in need
doesn't get help fixing their car. |
The words celebration and joy are very appealing to me. |
I really enjoy having thirty minutes of uninterrupted time
a day to sit in quiet prayer and enjoy his presence. |
I spend more money on books than music tapes. |
I would prefer to worship God by spending an hour beside
a small brook than by participating in a group service. |
The words sensuous, colorful, and aromatic are very appealing
to me. |
I would really enjoy developing a personal rule (or ritual)
of prayer. |
I feel closest to God when I am alone and there is nothing
to distract me from focusing on his presence. |
I get very frustrated if I see apathetic Christians who
don't become active. I want to drop everything else I'm doing and help the
church overcome its apathy. |
The words service and compassion are very appealing to me. |
I would enjoy attending a workshop on learning to worship
through dance or attending several worship sessions with contemporary music.
I expect that God is going to move in some unexpected way. |
When I think of God, I think of love, friendship, and adoration
more than anything else. |
I connect with God best when I learn something new about
him that I didn't understand before. My mind needs to be stimulated. It's
very important to me that I know exactly what I believe. |
If I could escape to a garden to pray on a cold day, walk
through a park on a warm day, and take a trip by myself to the mountains
on another day, I would be very happy. |
I would really enjoy using drawing, exercise or art to improve
my prayer life. |
I feel closest to God when I'm participating in a familiar
form of worship that has memories dating back to my childhood. Rituals and
traditions move me more than anything else. |
I would describe my faith as more "internal" than "external."
The words courageous, confrontation and social activism
are very appealing to me. |
I sense God's power when I am counseling a friend who
has lost a job, preparing meals for or fixing the car of a family in need,
or spending a week at an orphanage in Mexico. |
I spend more money on music and worship tapes than books. |
I would rather be alone with God, contemplating who he
is, than participating in a formal liturgy or being distracted by a walk
outside. |
I get frustrated when the church focuses too much on feelings
and spiritual experience. Of far more importance is the need to understand
the Christian faith and have proper doctrine. |
Seeing God's beauty in nature is more moving to me than
understanding new concepts, participating in a formal religious service,
or participating in social causes. |
I feel closest to God when I'm in an environment that
allows my senses to come alive - when I can see, smell, hear, and almost
taste his majesty. |
Individualism within the church is a real danger. Christianity
is a corporate faith, and most of our worship should have a corporate
expression. |
The words silence, solitude, and discipline are very appealing
to me. |
Activities like confronting a social evil, attending a
meeting to challenge the new curriculum before the local school board,
and volunteering on a political campaign are important to me. |
I would rather nurse someone to health or help someone
repair their house than teach an adult Sunday school class, go on a prayer
and fasting retreat, or take a lonely walk in the woods. |
I connect with God best when my heart is sent soaring
and I feel like I want to burst, worship God all day long, and shout out
his name. Celebrating God and his love is my favorite form of worship. |
The most difficult times in my faith are when I can't
feel God's presence within me. |
The words concepts and truth are very appealing to me. |