We are so excited to be able to meet together in person soon! We will be collectively adhering to this Wellness Policy Agreement so as to keep everyone as safe as possible. Please read below then proceed to registration at the bottom of the page.

Wellness Policy Agreement

By using VBCC facilities, I agree to abide by the following: 

  • Register to Attend at vbcc.church/registerforchurch

  • Mandatory Masks in the building 

    • If you or a household member can’t wear a mask, we encourage you to continue worshipping online.

    • Please note CDC guidelines stating that children under 2 should not wear masks.

  • Social Distancing

    • No handshakes, hugs, or physical contact.

    • Maintain 6ft distance at all times

    • Observe social distancing by not congregating in groups upon entering and exiting the building. 

    • Once seated, don’t get up and socialize

    • At the conclusion of the service, dismissal will occur by row; please follow the ushers direction to exit the building.

  • No Congregational Singing 

  • Obey Building Signage

    • Follow people-flow markings

    • All Restrooms Closed except those adjacent to the sanctuary.

    • Restroom usage restricted to one person/household at a time.

  • Children must stay with an adult at all times

  • Self Screening guidelines

Please do not enter the VBCC facilities if you or anyone in your home within the last two weeks…

  • Have been in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case

  • Have had a fever 

  • Have had a cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat

  • Have had a new loss of taste or smell 

  • Have experienced vomiting or diarrhea