Please read the information below then fill out the application at the bottom of the page.
July 11th—July 17th 2021
This summer, a team from the VBCC Youth Group is going to serve with Empowering Youth 2 Serve (EY2S) at Norview Baptist Church. We will hold discipleship as a central component of all of our activities by challenging our youth to responsibility and accountability through partnership with the leadership at EY2S. This trip is primarily for middle school students. High schoolers not participating in our Detroit trip this summer who would like to attend the Norfolk trip as a leader must contact Houston Enfield. All participants for the trip must fill out the below application. Before applying, be sure to read all the information on this page.
Learn more about Empowering Youth 2 Serve, led by Jeff Montgomery. Jeff established EY2S to empower church youth groups to serve inner-city families as a team while learning how to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ.
Why Norfolk? For the past two years, a team from VBCC Youth has gone to Norfolk with EY2S. These trips have been a wonderful experience of drawing closer to God through service. We cherish this opportunity to love our own communities and neighbors. Through mutual service to each other, the Youth also develop skills and habits of responsibility and servant leadership under Christ's lordship. This trip will also work toward VBCC's commitment to racial reconciliation under the headship of Christ. As this is our third year, we are developing a possible long-term partnership with EY2S in which our Youth can serve in the years to come.
What kinds of things will we do?
Work Projects - Projects will be to serve families in need in the community through a local church through acts such as painting projects, working in their yards, and working on their homes.
Running VBS – Our team will partner with a local church to run their VBS program. This will include sports, crafts, Bible teaching, skits, games, songs, etc.
Evening teaching and debrief sessions with EY2S leaders
Worshiping with the EY2S Team
Developing friendships with and praying for local community families
Fun Day - On the last day, we will do something fun like going to the Adventure Park and/or the beach!
Hard work will be a means for discipleship and growth for those who go. We will serve God and love others by doing lots of hard work!
Will we be safe? Yes! Empowering Youth 2 Serve has hosted many week-long mission teams like ours since July 2016 without any issues with safety. On our two trips, we experienced no conditions which made us feel unsafe or posed a threat to any of our Youth.
$300 per person (including leaders). Each team member will be required to send out support letters to friends and family.
Virginia Beach Community Chapel will provide transportation from the Chapel to Norview Baptist Church, to the work projects, to the activity on Fun Day, and back to the Chapel. Arrive at the Chapel by 2:30 p.m. on July 11th so that we pray together, pack up, and head out by 3 p.m. Pick-up will be around 10:45 a.m. on July 17 at the Chapel.
Norview Baptist Church has rooms set aside for EY2S to use throughout the summer. Guys and girls will have separate rooms and separate full bathrooms.
Important Dates:
June 1
Fundraising Due Date: Half of the cost must be in by this date.
July 1
Fundraising Due Date: All of the cost must be in by this date.
July 8
Norfolk Team Dinner: The entire Norfolk team will meet together for dinner.
July 11
Chapel Commissioning: The entire Norfolk team will be presented for a commissioning during the second service at the Chapel.
July 11
Send-Off: at the Chapel by 2:30 p.m
July 17
Return: Pick-up will be around 10:45 a.m. on July 17 at the Chapel.
July 18
All applications will be reviewed by our Trip Leader Team.
To fill out the Youth Medical Release form, click here.