
Missions Month 2021

February is VBCC’s annual Missions Month. Our theme this year is “On the Move”. With mission efforts seemingly at a standstill and missionaries forced to quarantine or leave the field, it might be tempting to wonder what God is doing. Our Missions Leadership Team wants you to know that God has not been stalled in the least.  He is ON THE MOVE! Join us this month on Sunday mornings for a missions sermon series and at our two Prayer & Worship nights focused on missions in this day and age.

Sermon Series Speakers

February 7th — Ronnie McAdoo

February 14th — Houston Enfield

February 21th — Robb Esperat

February 28th — Zach Hardison


Worship Nights // 6:00PM

January 31

February 28

Hear Directly From Our Missionaries!

All month we will be having scheduled zoom meetings with VBCC missionaries across the globe and we’d love for you to tune in! This is an opportunity to ask questions and pray for these brothers and sisters in Christ in an effort to support them in their ministry.

To join the zoom for all listed dates click the button below.
Meeting ID: 224 424 2695
Password: 433371


February 17 // 3:00PM — Diana Abdurakhmanova (USA)

February 18 // 3:00PM — Kathy Locke (Ireland)

February 19 // 11:00AM — Rich and Lori Felder (Turkey)

February 24 // 1:00PM — Ginny Hui (USA)

February 25 // 7:00PM — Rob Taylor (Japan)

Throughout the month we will be discussing the outreach and missions opportunities available at VBCC. If you want to know more about how to get involved in a specific way, fill out this form: