
February 24   |   March 23 | April 27

6:30PM—8:30PM at VBCC

Join us at VBCC this Spring for 3 evenings of teaching led by HopeWell Ministries. HopeWell's trained staff will help us explore our personal areas of brokenness, and to see how the good news of Jesus speaks hope even there. You will be personally encouraged as well as equipped to serve others with greater clarity and confidence. 

On the 4th Monday in February, March and April we will spend an hour learning from teachers at HopeWell with experience in these relational trials and an hour in one of four break-out sessions digging into our specific areas of concern.

Refreshments Provided  |  No Childcare Available

Session 2: Good News for the Anxious and Depressed // April 27

Plenary Session: Cron Gibson
Breakout Sessions:

  • Boundaries

  • Addiction

  • Identity

  • Divorce

Register BEFORE April 20 — $10 // Register AFTER April 20 — $15

Session 3: Present Hope in a Broken World // TBD

Plenary Session: Cron Gibson
Breakout Sessions:

  • Grief and Loss

  • Sexual Brokenness

  • Chronic Illness, Aging & Special Needs

  • Body & Trauma