Below are the current special events at VBCC listed in chronological order.
Scroll to the bottom to see our weekly events.


Women’s Bible Study : The Lamb of God

January 16th—May 8th // The Porch
Morning — 9:15AM – 11:30AM
Evening — 6:30PM – 8:30PM

This study is of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy which covers Israel’s emergence from slavery in Egypt, receiving God’s law at Mount Sinai, and wandering in the wilderness on their way to the Promised Land. We see Jesus pictured throughout the story and through it we will see the way Jesus saves us, cleanses us and loves us.

After completing this book study we will continue together with The Progress of Redemption with Jere Cleveland.


Father & Son Basketball

March 16th // 3:00PM—6:00PM // The Gym

Boys Kindergarten through 5th grade and their dads are invited to the VBCC gym for basketball followed by dinner together! Please register by March 11th.


Vacation Bible School — Roar!

July 22—26

Mark your calendars for VBS 2019, “Roar!” where kids who have completed kindergarten through 5th grade will explore God’s goodness and celebrate a ferocious faith that powers them through this wild life.

Registration opens soon!


Weekly Events



Mens' Weekly Bible Study   //   7:00 AM

Ladies Bible Study, Morning Session   //   9:15 AM — 11:30AM

Ladies Bible Study, Evening Session   //   6:30 PM — 8:30PM

VBCC Youth (6th—12th grade)   //   6:30 PM


Prayer Meeting   //   10:00 AM