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Solo Exhibit: Chris Heidt — October 2020

I hope that my artwork fuels discussions about spiritual things, and spiritual dimensions. There is a spiritual world that operates alongside our own. We may feel its effects, but we do not see it in operation. I have imagined and visualized what that unseen felt world might be like, and represented it on canvas for you to experience.  —Chris

Fusing his Christian faith with expressive energetic images, Chris believes that his creative experience is inspired and energized by God’s indwelling Spirit. His images are almost always narrative in nature, and incorporate the great stories from the Bible that he has cherished since early childhood. These are the scriptures that have carried him along in his artistic journey, and that serve as the narrative scaffolding for each of his paintings.

Chris has a BFA from Old Dominion University, and a MACE (Masters in Christian Education) from Columbia Biblical Seminary. He is currently pursuing a MEd (Masters in Education) at Regent University, with a teaching licensure. Chris plans to teach art in the Virginia Beach school system.

Four on Patrol

Acrylic on canvas // 30x40 inches // 2020

Based upon the vision seen by the prophet in Zechariah 6. These are the four spirits of heaven that patrol the earth, who are described by the angel sent to Zechariah as strong steeds, eager to go that they might walk to a fro throughout the earth. I am often driven to create art. It is an inner drive that compels me to undertake a creative endeavor, to reproduce what I see within, what I imagine. When I paint, I feel fearless, and wonderfully satisfied, knowing I am doing what I was born to do. Knowing one’s gift and what to do with it is a gift from God.

Heirs Together

Acrylic on canvas // 24x36 inches // 2017

The apostle Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus of having received a divine revelation of the Mystery of mysteries. This Mystery had been hidden from the universe until God revealed it at the appointed time. It had not been revealed to principalities or powers, to the Jews or the Gentiles. The Mystery is that from the beginning God intended that we Gentiles, who were without hope and without God in the world, would become fellow heirs with Israel, to the covenants of promise, through the blood of Jesus Christ. This was my first live painting, and it represents the hope of the coming reign of Mashiach, or Messiah.

Courtesy of Diane Najera.

Latter Reign

Acrylic on canvas // 30x40 inches // 2020

Psalm 91 is a battle cry for those who choose to abide daily in the presence of God. The message of the psalm is especially relevant today, as we seem to be facing myriad threats on countless fronts. No one can deny that there are mounting dangers, but I find hope in the fact that I am guarded. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is overcoming it, trampling it underfoot, and finding our confidence in the special kinship we have with God through Christ. This piece is my response to the Covid threat, and a statement about where hope and courage can be found. iIt is far better to act on what we believe, not on what we feel.

Seed of the Upright

Acrylic on canvas // 30x40 inches // 2020

The Hebrew reads, your coming out and your going in, and it is found in Psalm 121. In the Bible, the word for seed is zera, with also means offspring. In this piece, I have combined these word pictures together to represent God’s loving care over each of his children, from cradle to grave, He preserves us. It is important to remember we are under close guardianship, and nothing in all creation can come between our Maker and ourselves, or separate us from the love of God.

The Glory of Kings

Acrylic on canvas // 30x40 inches // 2019

I tried to capture the anticipation the Maji must have felt as the followed the star all the way to Bethlehem. Eager anticipation must have pressed them ever forward on their long journey. It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings to search out a matter. Proverbs 25:2

A Lesson In Greatness

Acrylic on canvas // 30x40 inches // 2020

Jesus taught his disciples, and us by extension, that heaven sees greatness in humble service. I often think on this scene in scripture when I feel like I am being overlooked and unappreciated at my job. It is certainly much harder to serve others without needing to be acknowledged, without grumbling, than it is to be applauded for one’s accomplishments. The lesson is that what heaven most values is character, not accomplishments. This painting is inspired by the account recorded in John 13.

Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going to God, rose from supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself. After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet, and to wipe them with a towel with which He was girded. John 13:3-5


Acrylic on canvas // 30x40 inches // 2017

I love the mountains. This is the view I hope to have one day as I look out of the bay window in the back of my art studio. I feel especially close to God when in the mountains, and I am always inspired by the sight of them.