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Psalm 48 - Orientation

  1. Do you have a physical place of spiritual significance in your life? Where is it? What makes it special to you?

  2. Read Psalm 48:1-3. What place is being celebrated in this psalm? What makes it special?

  3. Read Psalm 48:4-8. What is being depicted in these verses? How might this stanza bring comfort or joy to the psalmist’s original audience? What does it tell us about God & his people?

  4. Read 48:9-11. In these verses, the imagery shifts from city walls to the temple. How does the thematic shift reflect the geographic shift? The ‘steadfast love’ (hesed) love of God in v9 references his faithfulness to keep his covenant with the people. How is God’s hesed love reflected in the temple and it’s practices?

  5. Read John 4:20-24 & Matthew 5:14. Where are New Testament believers to worship? Where is the city on the hill now? How might Jesus’ words shape our posture toward Jerusalem and psalms like Psalm 48?

  6. In the sermon today, Robb said the believers’ place of ‘orientation’ is the cross. How does Jesus’ work on the cross compare/contrast with the work done at the Jerusalem temple?