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Psalm 47 - Raucous Joy

  1. What is the most ‘raucously festive’ event you’ve ever participated in? What was the experience like for you personally? Share your experiences with one another.

  2. Read Psalm 47 aloud. In the sermon today, Robb said this psalm communicates ‘raucous joy.’ What words or phrases in the text communicate that sentiment? Imagine this psalm being sung in the temple. What might the music have sounded like?

  3. The word ‘for’ occurs in verses 2, 7 and 9b. What does this word tell us about the reason for joy in the psalm? Today Robb said, “The key to joy is the kingship of Christ.” What does that mean?

  4. Briefly review Bill Bright’s explanation of the self-directed & Christ-directed life. What does it mean to have Self on the throne of your heart? Christ? What might be some indicators that someone is living the self-directed life vs the Christ-directed life?

  5. What word pictures does the psalmist employ in verses 8-9? What do these images communicate? What are some concrete ways we can participate in the ‘expansive, universal joy’ of God’s kingdom right now?