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Matthew 5:38-47 - Enemy Love

  1. Read Matthew 5:38-42. Jesus talks about how we’re not to resist, or retaliate, against the one who personally wrongs us. What’s an area of your life that you find yourself often retaliating? Maybe when you feel disrespected? (v39) Do you cling to your rights over choosing to love? (v40) Maybe when you’re forced to do what you don’t want to? (v41)

  2. What’s the self oriented sin that’s fueling your desire for retaliation? Can you see one? How does being an adopted Son of God speak to what’s fueling the desire to retaliate and protect yourself?

  3. In this section, Jesus talks about giving to the one who asks and not refusing one who would borrow. What’s a step you can take to be more intentional in your giving financially to those in need inside and/or outside the church? Additionally, what are potential ways you can you give outside of just finances?

  4. Read Matthew 5:43-47. In the sermon, Matt suggested maybe a friend, household member, coworker, ministry partner, or even fellow church member can turn enemy. Who in your life has acquired the label enemy? What’s a way you could actively love that individual and maybe begin, or continue, the process of reconciliation?

  5. Jesus says we’re to pray for those who persecute us.  Spend some time praying for our adopted unreached people group who is actively undergoing persecution. Maybe at the end of your time, you could do a round of ‘popcorn prayer’ with your group focusing on them along with other ministry partners around the world and people undergoing a different type of persecution in the US (Christians in middle school, high school, college. Christians in the workplace).

  6. Was there a particular aspect of Sonship in the message, or in your own personal meditations, that’s especially invigorating and empowering in your life?