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Acts 6:1-7 - Good, Great & Glorious

  1. Read Ephesians 3:14-21. What part of Paul’s prayer most challenges you? How have you seen God answer this prayer in your own experience?

  2. Read Acts 6:1-2. Review some of the historic background detail from the sermon today. Who are the Hellenists and the Hebrews? Why are the Hellenists’ widows being neglected? Why did Robb say we should consider this a “good problem”? Do you agree or disagree?

  3. What is the “great wisdom” given to the church (vv3, 5)? How did the Apostles balance their responsibility as overseers with the freedom of the church to choose leaders from among themselves?

  4. Luke lists the Seven as men with Greek names, which means they are probably Hellenistic (though many Hebraic Jews also had Greek names). Why is representative leadership critical to the church’s growth? How have you witnessed the value of representative leadership in the church?

  5. The story of the overlooked widows is followed by 4 chapters of explosive evangelistic ministry by Hellenistic Jews - Stephen, Philip & Saul (Paul). What advantages might these Hellenists have had over the Hebraic leadership that commissioned them? What was the result for the church (Acts 9:31)?

Opportunities to celebrate MLK Day with the churches in Hampton Roads