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John 3:16-21 Two Loves

  1. Have you ever been given a gift that made you feel especially loved? What was it about the gift or the giver that made it special?

  2. In the sermon today, we explored the idea of love as a choice between two alternatives. Review Gen 29:30-31 and Malachi 1:2-3. In these passages, how are the words ‘love’ and ‘hate’ used? What language might you use to communicate a similar context in modern parlance?

  3. Read John 3:16-21. In this passage, Jesus tells two love stories. Tell each story in your own words. For each love story, identify who is the lover, and what is the choice set before them?

  4. What does Jesus mean when he says people love darkness and hate the light? Can you think of a real life example? What causes a person to love darkness? How can a person change?

  5. In v16, what does the gift tell us about the Giver? To whom does he give the gift? What can we know about him based on that gift?

  6. In vv17-18, Jesus appears to be pushing back against the notion that he was sent into the world to bring judgment and condemnation. Why might Nicodemus (or others in his day) assume that would be his role? Why do people today associate Christianity with judgment and condemnation?

  7. In verse 21, Jesus speaks of “whoever does what is true.” This phrase is only used one other time in the Bible, in 1 John 1:6. Read 1 John 1:5-10. Based on this passage, what does it mean to ‘do what is true’ (or ‘practice the truth’ as it is translated in 1 John 1:6)?

  8. Pray together as a group, thanking God for his love and mercy shown to us in Jesus. Pray by name for people you know who are in need of Christ this Christmas.