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Matthew 5:5 - Blessed Are The Meek

  1. Read Matthew 5:1-5. What does it mean to be meek? How does “meek” build on the beatitudes that came before? What is the blessing for the “meek”?

  2. Houston argued in the sermon that “the meek are those who are disciplined in gentleness to receive all things as from God.” How is this different from how you thought about meekness before? Is there anything you would add or clarify?

  3. Do you find it difficult to be meek before God? With others? Do you tend to be too compliant or to build up your own strength? How might this beatitude invite you toward Christ-likeness?

  4. Read Matthew 11:28-29. This is the invitation from Jesus to his disciples. If he is the perfection of this virtue of meekness, how does that change your approach to growing in it?