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Daniel 8 - Power & Purpose of Predictive Prophecy

  1. Have you ever had the experienced hardship, only to realize after the fact that God had prepared you for it in advance? Share your story with the group.

  2. Read Daniel 8:1-14. Describe each kingdom. What characterizes them? What about the little horn of v9ff? Why does God give such specific detail about the rise and fall of these kings and kingdoms?

  3. Several times these kings are described as virtually invincible, with language like, “no one could stand against him” and “he shall succeed in what he does” (vv4, 7, 24, 25). Why do you think these kings are depicted this way? How might it affect the posture and strategy of the saints who endure their wrath?

  4. Antiochus IV Epiphanes is understood to be the ‘little horn’ of vv9, 23ff. If you have time, read the account of him in 1 Maccabees 1. What similarities are there between his reign of terror and other evil world leaders that have come and gone in history? What can we learn about the spiritual forces behind these world powers by observing them?

  5. Daniel 8 is God’s provision to help the saints endure hardship with hope and faithfulness. Pray for believers around the globe who are today facing fierce persecution. Pray for Christ’s return and the restoration of all things.