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Daniel 11-12: Go Your Way

  1. This Thanksgiving weekend, take some time to share with the group a word of gratitude. How can we be thankful even in difficult seasons?

  2. Read Daniel 12:1-4. These first verses in chapter 12 are the final verses of chapter 11’s vision. After the rise and fall of many kingdoms (chpt 11), what happens at the end of the vision (chpt 12:1-4)?

  3. Chapters 11 & 12 speak of great hardship coming for the people of God before deliverance. Why is preparation for persecution a necessary part of discipleship? What kinds of persecution might you face for the sake of Christ?

  4. Daniel 12:2 is considered one of the clearest promises of the resurrection in the Old Testament. Why is the resurrection an important and necessary component of the gospel? Why do you think it is so often overlooked?

  5. What specific instruction does Daniel receive in this chapter (vv 9, 13))? What do you think is meant by the command, “Go your way.”? How might we follow David in heeding this instruction today?

  6. Spend some time reflecting together on the major themes of Daniel as you remember them. What has God shown to you personally? To your group as a whole?

    • Some questions adapted from Exalting Jesus in Daniel (Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary) by Dr. Daniel L. Akin. B&H Publishing Group.