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Daniel 10 - The Power of Prayer

• Of the three ways to escape from hard circumstances, which one do you most often choose? avoid (ignore, medicate), deny (sometimes by hyper-focusing on what you can control), or collapse?

• Is there a circumstance that you’re facing right now that feels like it is beyond your control? What it is? If you don’t have one presently, what is one that you have experienced in the past?

• Where are you at right now in your thinking about prayer? Do you see it as powerfully effective? Do you see it as an obligation? Do you not believe that it works, so you don’t pray?

• What is encouraging to you from Daniel 10 as you think about prayer? That God moves when we pray, or that Daniel was strengthened when he prayed, or that Daniel heard God’s declaration of love for him as he prayed?

• One of the debates about this passage is whether or not that man in linen described in lots of detail in the beginning of the chapter is a high-ranking angel or if it is the pre-incarnate Christ. Regardless, this sight of a heavenly being floored Daniel, even more than the vision of the calamity floored him. Right now, are you able to see God as bigger than your calamity, or does catastrophe look bigger than God?

• Share one thing that you want the group to pray for this week, and next week, check back in to see how God worked.